Akshay Kale

Ph.D. Candidate| Data Science | XAI

FrameForecast | Akshay Kale


December 09, 2021

A LSTM Deep learning model for predicting and recreating sequence of missing data

Link to the Github Project

Performance of the LSTM models

Model MSE Accuracy Loss
Reconstruction 0.035 0.953 0.131
Prediction 0.04 0.955 0.155


Results of Reconstruction LSTM Autoencoder. Predicted frame on the left and ground truth frame on the right
Results of Reconstruction LSTM Autoencoder. Predicted frame on the left and ground truth frame on the right

🎯 Objective

💪 Challenge

🧪 Solution

🎬 Getting started

The following are the steps to setup this project:


git clone https://github.com/kaleoyster/frame-forecast.git

Run requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download dataset

wget http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~nitish/unsupervised_video/mnist_test_seq.npy

Run the LSTM model

python3 src/lstm_autoencoder.py

Alternatively, run bash script


View visualization

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